

We work with you, taking your information, be it rough sketches, drawings or just ideas, and create designs in Solidworks (3D) suitable for subsequent manufacture. We can create photo realistic renderings to a staggering level of realism, analyse for mechanical and thermal issues, optimise for weight or other characteristics and progress your project significantly before first physical prototypes.


Concept Development

The data developed during the design phase is vital, as not only does it define the product, but it also facilitates all the subsequent manufacturing.

We run multiple seats of Solidworks so that we can interface with our clients's various software design systems, or start from scratch if appropriate!

We work with you at all times (this is not a “hands off” exercise), to build on your existing knowledge, and create a product that meets your expectations and that we are confident can be manufactured in the specified volumes.



Having the design data in a system such as Solidworks facilitates various analysis options without having to resort to a physical prototype.

We can, for example, perform finite element analysis on assemblies, so long as the input conditions are known, and predict likely deformation. Alternatively, we can look at the thermal emissions and predict surface temperature of the respective components.

The options are considerable, so the best way forward is to contact us to find out how we can help you.




Design optimisation can refer to a multitude of different factors.

We use our analysis software to manually iterate through a series of designs to find the version that best achieves the desired goals. We have several software options depending on your requirements.

We can also invoke software such as Solid Thinking Inspire, which will cleverly place material in the optimum locations for the given loading conditions. This can then be used as a guide in creating the design, whilst keeping a close eye on how the components will be manufactured.

Bringing Inspire together with Additive Manufacturing can generate some really novel solutions, so be prepared!


Virtual Prototyping

When you have seen what this software can do, you will question every photograph you look at!

Being able to merge CAD files into real backgrounds and render them appropriately for the light conditions, gives a very powerful tool. Pictorially you can have a ‘product’ when in reality only the design data exists!

Of course the more information added to the design, the more realistic the part can appear, so all the details such as logos, bolts, connectors must all be modelled in, to get a quality image.

Basically the sky's the limit! Depending on your requirements it is possible to produce an image from 3D data that will look completely realistic or, equally, a more functional image may be completely sufficient for your needs. We can work with you to help you with your requirements.